Use the following checklists to help you prepare for starting your business...
Preparation Check List
Are you and your team clear on what success looks like for your company?
To manage the performance of your business it is important to define success, by setting goals and targets for your team to achieve.
We've detailed some steps below which you can take to manage the performance of your business.
]]>Undertake Market Research to Identify New Market Opportunities
In today's marketplace it is essential to keep tabs on your competitors and the needs of your clients to gain your competitive advantage, identify new market opportunities and carve your niche.
Undertaking market research on a daily basis is essential to innovate and develop your business strategy to maintain success.
Consider the following 10 steps to identify new market opportunities...
by Heather Wilkinson, Business Coach, Striding Out
Are you successfully managing and leading the growth of your business?
To find out, walk though our 14 steps below, and tick off those that you do well, and highlight those that you need to focus on.
Executive Coaching for Leaders of Social Enterprises
How are you planning for the future of your enterprise in 2011?
How important is your performance to the success of your enterprise?
How much investment do you make in yourself?
]]>In light of the current recession and government cutbacks in the public sector, the social entrepreneur has been recognised and has come to the fore The public sector with its image linked to a sleeping giant, diminishes gradually whilst the social enterprise rise as the David amongst the giants in business today.
]]>In times of recession the tendency is to reduce spending and limit risks. People with limited budgets are even more cautious, so how can you convey value and reduce risks to clients?
]]>This question is one that many business need to pose 'What are the key symptoms of a business requiring a health check?'
These are a few experiences of businesses in desperate need of a health check. Find out how to improve your business performance and be successful.
]]>'Have you ever thought about going into business?'
The answer could be yes, but have you considered the implications.
In other words are you emotionally ready to take the challenge.
These are some of the things you may not have thought of: