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Figuring Out

Are you equipped to achieve success?

Within previous articles we have looked at your motivations for running a business and your measures of success.

The only person responsible for your success is you,and you need to make sure you are equipped with the right skills and the latest knowledge to achieve what you want.

Running a business is about life-long learning, as society, technology and the economy change. Never presume you know it all, you have to keep pace.

Here are some suggestions for staying ahead of the game:-

  • Tap into Experience - It's important to learn from individuals who have experience in an industry or skill set, continually ask questions and learn from them what you can. Attend speaker events, training or read informative articles.
  • Develop your Skills - When you are running a business you need to develop a whole range of skills in different areas, from HR, Marketing, Sales, Finance, Project Management, Quality Assurance and so on. Attend training workshops and undertake e-courses etc to up skill and be confident in what you are doing.
  • Build a Network - Utilise your personal and business network, don't be afriad to ask for help, suggestions and advice. It can save you a lot of time and money if you can learn from other people's mistakes.
  • Ongoing Research - Keep on top of industry trends, competitors and consumer needs. Listen, learn and act quickly to changes. Innovation and refinement of new and existing products and services is important.
  • Time Management - Make sure you allocate time in your diary for developing your skills and knowledge to ensure you are operating at your best! It will save you time and money in the long run.

By Heather Wilkinson, Business Coach and Consultant


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