No 1 in Google! Why?
There’s a large number of companies that provide ways for your website to rank highly in search results.
As I’ve mentioned before, many of them are run by dedicated, highly experienced technicians who deliver what they promise, albeit at a price. There are also snake-oil salesmen who will deliver a high ranking for search terms that are only typed in once every few days (usually by you, to check if your site is still number one). What if you didn’t need to be “number one in Google”? What if your customers all came to your site in another way? Could it be possible? Well, of course it is. Why not liberate yourself from the “Search Engine Optimisation Industry”? Here are some ways to do just that -
You’re reading this, aren’t you? If you have a regular, useful ezine, people will use the links to visit your website from time to time.
Have a feature on your site that asks visitors to register what they need, and alert them when you can supply it
Make sure you mention your website at every opportunity
Encourage other website owners to link to you (but no tacky “link farming”,please)
Set up an affiliate programme
You can think of more. Drop me a line if you have any that you’d like to share. Join the revolution! Liberate your site from the search engines
By Alan Stevens, Founder of
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