The paragraph about your business needs to be short and sweet, capturing people’s attention so they want to find out more. The paragraph could be in the form of a testimonial or a description of services, followed by your weblink. This exchange will not only be a great promotional opportunity for both of you, but it also boost your reputation in terms of who you work with, and it will also boost your rankings on search engines such as google. Overall it will have a positive impact on your marketing and PR strategy.
Measuring the impact of your website referrals is easy; you just need to use online measuring tools such as Google analytics.
One great example of this relationship is where has worked with Unpackaged was one of Striding Out’s participants on Big Leap Competition, and our recent promotion of the competition led to a press feature on the website. The feature directed people to Cath’s website, which in turn referred people to our site from a weblink on the Be Unpackaged website.
So every month reflect on who you’ve worked with and see how you can reinforce your online connection with them. The positive impact will not only strengthen your existing business relationships but also your new ones, as referrals from trusted sources are always best.
Heather Wilkinson
Founder and Business Coach
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