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Figuring Out

Running a Business in Second Life

Striding Out Member, Simon Stevens, shares his 10 Tips to running a business in Secondlife.

Secondlife is a popular and ever-growing virtual world where real businesses are beginning to explore it as a real potential for promotion and income generation. But running a business in Second Life is not as straight forward as its looks. I run my own nightclub for many months and here are my top ten tips….

  1. Always remember Secondlife is not a game and take it as serious as any other business venture.
  2. Do not assume your real life business venture will automatically work in Secondlife.
  3. Spend time in secondlife understanding the culture and norms before starting a business.
  4. Network and add as many friends as you can, you must get known.
  5. If you do not know how to do something, ask, it is a friendly space.
  6. If you can’t do it yourself, pay someone else to do it.
  7. Remember everything costs a fraction of what it is in the real world.
  8. Expect to be having business meetings in the middle of the night!.
  9. Don’t assume you are the “first ……” because you are probably not!.
  10. Always expect the unexpected including having a business meeting with a fox, dragon or octopus!.

Sounds crazy? Have a look yourself!.

By Simon Stevens 

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