Writing your personal profile
What Do Customer's Want?
Customer's want to be confident in your product or service, so how do you demonstrate your expertise?
Customers tend to buy from someone they trust to have the right expertise and knowledge, so it's important to demonstrate your expertise clearly. Who are you and why are you qualified to do what you do.
The personal profiles of yourself and your team should be on your website, in your CV, in your proposals and in your sales pitch. If a customer can get a clear idea of your personal experience from the website they are more likely to pick up the phone and give you a call.
Getting your personal profile perfected and visable will also help you secure PR opportunities. Once you've written your personal profile, check out the tips on how to secure a slot on the radio or TV.
When writing your personal profile, it's important to include the following information:-
Demonstrate Passion - Describe your professional interests
Demonstrate Profession - Explain your key skill set and knowledge
Demonstrate Success - Summarise the achievements you are proud of.
Demonstrate Experience - Mention previous clients to highlight your track record
Demonstrate Authority - Outline relevant qualifications or training.
We have helped many of our clients to write their personal profile, so if you need assistance just drop us an email.
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Top Tips by Heather Wilkinson, Managing Director, Striding Out.