As a leader one is often confronted with many daily demanding tasks and the luxury of time quickly becomes scarce. It is essential for any leader to step back and evaluate the performance of the business as a whole. A meticulous approach is important but acknowledgement of the ‘bigger picture’ is vital. Here is a simple exercise, the 'Top of Big Ben', to help you analyse and examine how your business is doing so far.
Food and Drink - Social Enterprises in this sector can be as diverse as a community cafe, to manufacturing or selling fair-trade or organic products, to running a hospitality venue. To find out more check out sites including and
Retail - Social enterprise retail outlets are increasing popping up online, as well as on our streets, selling a wide range of products and services, from clothes to computers, which are either ethical in nature, or sold commercially to redistribute profit to charitable causes. Examples include the to
Creative Industries - Whether it's in media, theatre, art or design, social enterprises are utilising the arts in a range of ways, to engage and rehabilitate disaffected individuals, promote local heritage, showcase budding talent or broadcast matters that should be in the public eye. Examples include and
Education and Learning - Developing people's knowledge and skills is a sustained marketplace, and social enterprises are established to deliver mainstream, online, and alternative education methods to different industries and specialised audiences. Example social enterprises include,, to our very own
Transport - We are seeing an evolution of transport, as attention is turned to energy efficient transportation models, shared transport schemes and community owned transport. Find out more about the growth of the sector here and
Leisure and Culture - Leisure and Culture is a major growth sector for social enterprise. Many public leisure centres are being managed by social enterprises, whilst social entrepreneurs are setting up alternative sport initiatives for community and education purposes. We are also seeing an increase in eco-tourism and cultural attractions to celebrate local heritage or the arts. Find out more here about the growth of the sector here and
Health and Welfare - The government is currently placing a large emphasis on contracting with social enterprises to deliver health and welfare services, and there is major emphasis on stimulating new and supporting the growth of existing social enterprises to deliver mainstream and niche services. Find out more about the growth of the sector here
Environment - With the introduction of increasing legislation, attention is placed on environmental practices for waste management, energy efficiency, and sustainability. We are seeing a change in manufacturing, construction, energy and recycling processes and practices within our households, in the community and in our workplace. Find out more about the growth of the industry sector here , and and
Why do organisations buy carbon offsets?
In both circumstances, there are important reasons why social responsibility can make good business sense, as it can put you at a great competitive advantage over other businesses. Read on to find out why..
The concept, the revolution and the beauty of social enterprise simply does not exist in the way we know it over here.
Social enterprise can be defined as an organisation with a social, ethical or environmental purpose. In terms of finances, the surplus revenue is reinvested in the COMMUNITY to benefit others, NOT to make stakeholders rich. It’s quite simple, and it’s beautiful.