Generating Personal Power
As a leader it is important to establish personal power to achieve the success you want.
Power gives you the confidence and ability to make decisions, to influence, to negotiate, to lead a team, and to ultimately fulfil your potential.
So how do you generate personal power as a leader in your field? Read on to find out more:-
Clarity of Vision
As a business leader it's important to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, and this needs to be well known by your team and stakeholders. The more you communicate your vision to others, the more power and influence you will generate towards achieving that vision, as you recruit a team of followers.
Recruiting Followers
Do you have colleagues, associates and team members who believe and buy-in to your vision? Do you keep them informed about what you are doing and how you are progressing? It's important to recruit and continually communicate with your followers as they are your supporters and advocates. Their support will give you the confidence and power to achieve your vision. It's important to keep them on the frontline with you and to celebrate your achievements with them.
Celebrating Achievements
Do you celebrate and communicate your achievements? Each new achievement, however large or small, will give you new confidence and a sense of power. It's important to celebrate and tell others, especially your followers, about your achievements as it will strengthen people's belief and confidence in your abilities, which will in turn boost your self-esteem and strengthen your position of power.
Position of Power
Do you know which stakeholders hold the power around, above and below you? How are you positioned amongst your stakeholders, what power do they hold and why? Are you holding as much power as you need to? It's important to think about your position in the marketplace amongst others, and take steps to take to change your position to achieve the vision you want. To do this it's often about building relationships with certain individuals, through targeted networking.
Targeted Networking
Creating a position of power is often about targeted networking and relationship building with specific people who need to know you. You will need to research, target and meet people who hold the power to helping you achieve your vision. When you meet these individuals you will need to effectively generate their buy-in by clearly communicating your vision, your achievements, and who your followers are. Your mission is esablish these new contacts as your followers, which will start to shify your position of power in the marketplace to where you want it to be.
In summary, generating personal power is all about effective relationship building and ongoing communication to help you achieve the vision you want. This won't happen overnight but it should be a strategic plan that you put in place and work towards over a period of years. Personal Power is strongest amongst leaders who are reputable, authentic and show true determination to succeed.
By Heather Wilkinson, Business Coach, Striding Out
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