BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-// jCal Pro VERSION:2.0 X-WR-CALNAME:Striding Out Events Calendar X-WR-TIMEZONE:Africa/Abidjan BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1f65af4e05a926e9bfec928466b5404f tor DTSTAMP:20130514T015408Z CONTACT:Call Donna: 0151 245 0227 DESCRIPTION:The Future 50 Awards recognise the success of young entrepreneu rs aged 20 - 35 who demonstrate entrepreneurial flair and innovation in pr ogressing a responsible business venture.\n The aim of ‘Future 50 Award s’ is to celebrate &\; support the achievements of the young entrepre neurs who have demonstrated an innovative approach to advancing a socially responsible business venture. These candidates are the pipeline to a brig hter future and a better tomorrow.\n The winners of this prestigious posi tion will be given the opportunity to gain access to Ernst &\; Young’ s elite Accelerator Network\, in which they will be privy to host of works hops seeking to develop their unique skills in order to progress their ent erprise.\n The Future Awards will be held on 23/05/13 at the Ernst &\; Young 1 More Office at London Place.  DTEND:20130523T210000Z DTSTART:20130523T180000Z LAST-MODIFIED:20130430T155200Z SUMMARY:Future 50 Awards! URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:ee658507b6c2eed71cadea3e1c2fe122 tor DTSTAMP:20130514T015408Z CONTACT:To register call Donna: 01512450227 DESCRIPTION:Thursday 04 July 2013\, 08:00 - 12:00\nThis workshop is for com panies that need to establish an efficient and \neffective sales and marke ting process to drive high growth strategies. The aim \nis to develop an u nderstanding of how to develop better relationships with \ncurrent and pot ential customers to drive new business. \nSubjects introduced include: \n Finding customers\n• Winning customers\n• Growing customers DTEND:20130704T120000Z DTSTART:20130704T080000Z LAST-MODIFIED:20130501T105200Z SUMMARY:Effective sales and marketing: How to find\, win and grow profitabl e customers URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:76d0ce2b3ebd895adbe253d8fd4c118d tor DTSTAMP:20130514T015408Z CONTACT:To register call Donna: 01512450227 DESCRIPTION:Thursday 05 September 2013\, 08:00 - 12:00\nThis workshop is fo r companies that need to recognise and embrace \nleadership behaviours tha t will deliver your high growth strategy. The aim is to \nhelp you underst and how to get high growth performance from employees.\nSubjects introduce d include: \n• Situational leadership\n• Focus on the Vital Few and in tegrate them into a compelling \nscoreboard\n• Creating a performance cu lture \n• Holding the difficult conversations DTEND:20130905T120000Z DTSTART:20130905T080000Z LAST-MODIFIED:20130501T105500Z SUMMARY:Leadership: Inspiring your team to deliver high growth success URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:bd2de476b5d52cfc85f2cf03bd0b378a tor DTSTAMP:20130514T015408Z CONTACT:To register call Donna: 01512450227. DESCRIPTION:Thursday 03 October 2013\, 08:00 - 12:00\nThis workshop is for companies that need to evolve the business to deliver \nthe growth strateg y. The aim is to help you to drive change and create fresh \nuncontested m arket spaces. \nSubjects introduced include: \n• Why “change” should be the high growth business’s best friend \n• Creating fresh uncontes ted market spaces \n• Engaging all staff \n• Using pain and pleasure \n• Empowering staff DTEND:20131003T120000Z DTSTART:20131003T080000Z LAST-MODIFIED:20130501T110100Z SUMMARY:Change Management: Navigating your High Growth journey URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:d26a1917259e4f0c86dbcc1683040b50 tor DTSTAMP:20130514T015408Z CONTACT:To register call Donna: 01512450227 DESCRIPTION:Thursday 03 October 2013\, 08:00 - 12:00\nThis workshop is for companies that need to evolve the business to deliver \nthe growth strateg y. The aim is to help you to drive change and create fresh \nuncontested m arket spaces. \nSubjects introduced include: \n• Why “change” should be the high growth business’s best friend \n• Creating fresh uncontes ted market spaces \n• Engaging all staff \n• Using pain and pleasure \n• Empowering staff DTEND:20131003T120000Z DTSTART:20131003T080000Z LAST-MODIFIED:20130501T114500Z SUMMARY:Change Management: Navigating your High Growth journey URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR