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Figuring Out
Branching Out

Nadia Finer

nadiapic2.jpgNadia Finer, Co-Founder of  More to Life Than Shoes
We set up More to Life Than Shoes to inspire women to be more! Our vision is to create a resourceful website and social networking platform to offer inspiration, advice and support to women to help them achieve their dreams.

Striding Out has made a huge difference in the early stages of developing the business.

My Business Coach has been instrumental in connecting me with people who are not only willing to help, but who are also extremely useful and relevant to what I'm trying to achieve. The business coaching I receive is vital to the success of our business. She helps me to focus and really see the wood for the trees, plus it's great to have someone who is objective but also wants to see you succeed.

Striding Out events are unique because they are facilitated by a Business Coach. The coach will get to know you and your business, and introduce you to the right people to accelerate your success.

Find out about One to One Coaching and Group Coaching