Grow your business through networking

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Business Networking is something that has become a hot topic over the last few years.

However it is not only essential for business owners, everyone needs to understand the benefits of networking and appreciate that it is a life skill, not unlike reading and writing - it is not an ‘opt-in’ skill, it is essential.

Over the years I have found most successful people are not smarter or harder working, they have better communication skills and a strong personal brand. They know how to communicate effectively in all situations and are especially good Networkers.

So what is networking?

My definition of networking is that it is about developing and maintaining mutually beneficial and valuable relationships.

What it is not:

It is not – like my old boss would do, getting drunk on a Friday afternoon with a mate. It is not asking for help from someone you have not been in touch with for a few years but decide to contact when you need help or advice. Many people I come across think of networking as schmoozing, selling yourself or your business, small talk or handing over your business card, this is why they find it difficult an ineffective.

I believe that the key to ‘effective networking’ is to establish contacts and develop relationships constantly and before you are in desperate need for them. Many people only start networking when they are doing badly in their career or business.

I recommend you make the continued building and developing of your network part of your life, something that is done as part of your overall life, career and business plan.

How not to do it!

While out at various networking events I have observed various groups and individuals and noted how, even with the best intention of networking, they fell into the common traps that put you off someone before you even get to know them.

I will share a few of these observations with you.

one more thing …

These are people who just have one more point to share, even when you say you must get going, they will not let you leave. They are the people who cannot read the signs, they don’t know body language and that it is time to for them to ‘shut up’. They prey on people at the end of the night when they are tired and low on energy.

group huggers …

I am sure you’ve seen these types before. These are the people who came out with the intention of networking but ended up with a group of people they knew already. When anyone goes over to their group they closed in tighter together as if they were going to be invaded or having a group hug.

hi/bye ‘grasshoppers‘ …

Have you ever been deep in a conversation with someone, getting on rather well (or so you thought!) and then the person sees someone they think is ‘very important’ or ‘more important’ than your conversation and cuts the conversation off, and is gone as quickly as when they said "hi".

flying card …

I do like to get the business card of someone I want to keep in contact with, but the flying business card type throws you a card before you can even say your name and what you do. If you notice these people are always ‘just running out’ and prove this by pulling out a pile of other peoples cards to show you how well they are doing.

Well, these are just a few. Just be aware that networking with the types of people above will not be effective.

One of the questions I get asked a lot by clients is:

"I don’t have time to network, what should I do?"

My answer is: you don’t have time not to network – a successful business is not developed in isolation. You cannot expect people to know about you and your brand if no one has heard of you, spoken to you or met you.

5 key benefits of networking to think about:

• meet people who have knowledge about the industry

• be visible within your industry and marketplace

• get support

• share experiences

• establish partnerships and collaborations

A way to start is to think of networking as contributing to others, participating in your community (local or industry), sharing knowledge, ideas and making contacts.

Expert Advice by Dawn Winder


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