Lennie Varvarides
MSFT is The Storytellers Pedestal. MSFT, specializes in raising the profile of emerging artists.
MSFT aims to create performance opportunities around London in quirky venues that promise to nurture creative talent and artistic innovation. Why? Because msft loves the theatre. Not just the finished product, but all the drama that brings the product to life.
msft-founded by Lennie Varvarides-specializes in producing annual festivals around London to celebrating the work of good writers as well as working towards putting dyslexic writers on the theatrical map.
Through the msft brand festivals such as Write Side Of The Brain, DYS(the)LEXI, DYSSING MONADYS, Missfit Mondays, SpeechMotion, and Sunday Surgery, msft aims to work with trained performers and directors who are interested in contributing to the development of new writing. Developing new writing is msft main interest and often calls on previous participants to re-submit for future festivals, as we believe in creating long term creative partnerships through extended development projects.
Lennie is also part of MAD About Talent Ltd, a new multicultural performance school based in North London. An inclusive performing arts school for all abilities and talent agency, dedicated to enriching the lives of young performers between 5 and 18 as well as promoting students among casting directors for theatre, television, and film and coaching them with their first professional jobs.
MAD About Talent runs weekly classes in all three of the performance art disciplines: drama, singing, and dance. Each term, they aim to promote their students by producing an end of term production or presentation to which industry professionals are invited.
Find out more http://www.madabouttalent.com
Lennie is delighted to have recently recruited a new employee through the Future Jobs Fund to assist with the growth of her business.
" The Future Jobs Fund programme has provided a smooth and effortless way to recruit a new member of staff as well as a grant to cover their wage. I strongly recommend Striding Out as a first class organisation with a genuine interest to develop and support new business growth."