£20,000 International Grant Available

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The Commonwealth Foundation awards the Civil Society Responsive Grant to promote co-operation and the sharing of skills, knowledge and ideas between developing Commonwealth countries. The programme is aimed primarily at projects that incorporate activities that involve the participation of people and organisations from more than one Commonwealth country.

· Maximum Value: £ 20,000

· Average Value: £ 5,000

Applications for grants of over £10,000 must be considered by the Foundation's Grant Committee, which meets twice a year in March and September. The Foundation receives many requests for grants, and often has to award less than the amount requested. Grants are awarded to applicant organisations that are able to contribute to the priorities of one of the Foundation's main programme areas.

These are:

· Culture.

· Governance and Democracy.

· Human Development.

· Communities and Livelihoods.

For more information please click: http://www.commonwealthfoundation.com/
