PTLLS Course running in Birmingham

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Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) L3.

This is a fast track level 3 accredited course enabling you to teach effectively in community settings and business within just 4 days.

Who should attend?

The PTLLS course is an essential qualification for all trainers, instructors or community development workers and youth workers who deliver courses with their clients. If you are thinking of going for teaching or funding opportunities then this is what you need. This course is suitable for anyone who has achieved level 2 in literacy and numeracy. ( If not, we can help you with this too)

Course content

The course covers the fundamentals to teaching, including:

• The role of the tutor

• Delivering inclusive sessions

• Planning for successful learning

• Teaching and learning strategies.

How will you be assessed?

Assessment is through completion of micro teaching, two written assignments and practical application and reflection.

Course dates: 8th, 13th, 28th 30th September (30 GLH)

Location: at Sandwell Community Information and Participation Service Ltd. SCIPS, Christ Church, Birmingham Street, West Midlands. B69 4DY

Times: 10AM - 4PM

Course investment cost £320

Register : Contact Alison Richards on 07960 026582 or email [email protected] to request your application and booking form NOW.

Striding Out Community Interest Company is a leading provider of leadership, business and career coaching services, supported by training, networking and work placement services.
