Digital Marketing – Getting Your Website Right

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The idea behind Marketing is giving the customer what they want.  A product has to have a want and a need value in order for it to be purchased.  Marketing is about creating interest in your organisation and the products/services you have to offer.

There are a few simple reasons behind why people buy products;-

  • Basic needs are satisfied
  • Problems are solved
  • Products can make people feel good about themselves
  • Products can create desire

In order for a company to market their product correctly they need to ensure that products are priced correctly with regards to the product quality and the product desire.

Lower quality products tend to need more promotion than higher quality products and everything has a life cycle.

Top ten tips on getting your website right first time round;-

  1. Your design must be good and targeted to your specific audience.  
  2. The site must be accessible, user centre designed and have clear headings to make content findable.
  3. Make sure the website has Search Engine Optimisation so that robots can crawl through the content
  4. Ensure your web standards are correct (
  5. All content on your website should NOT be accessible – Valuable content should be provided on either a promotional or registration basis and can even be charged for depending on what you have to offer
  6. Ensure your visual design is engaging – Customers should want to come back to your site
  7. In order learn more about improving your website, web analytics should be looked at (
  8. Your website should provide help and information to your customers
  9. Use Email Marketing to keep customers informed – e.g. weekly e-newsletters/special offers.  Subject headings should contain a customer benefit!
  10. All Email Marketing should include a ‘call to action’ – Tell your customers exactly what you want them to do and how they should do it.

“Unless a website meets the needs of the intended users it will not meet the needs of the organisation providing the website.  Website development should be user centred, evaluating the evolving design against user requirements”
(Bevan 1999)

Article by Shakira Fernando
